Fillings are a type of restorative dental procedure where a tooth is filled after it has experienced decay. When a tooth decays, it needs to be partially or completely removed to prevent the spread of decay and bacteria. Because this space needs to be filled, the filling is used to form a complete and healthy smile. If you’re curious as to whether or not you need fillings, continue on.
Tooth-Colored Fillings With Dr. Marshall Skopp
Finding a cavity at your dental appointment is never something to look forward to. Traditional fillings can be an eyesore due to their silver coloring. Luckily if a cavity is found there’s a more modern way to go about fixing it. Tooth-colored fillings blend beautifully with the natural color of your teeth leaving you with a perfect smile. Here is some more information on how tooth-colored fillings with Dr. Marshall Skopp can make dealing with your next cavity less dreadful.