Finding a cavity at your dental appointment is never something to look forward to. Traditional fillings can be an eyesore due to their silver coloring. Luckily if a cavity is found there’s a more modern way to go about fixing it. Tooth-colored fillings blend beautifully with the natural color of your teeth leaving you with a perfect smile. Here is some more information on how tooth-colored fillings with Dr. Marshall Skopp can make dealing with your next cavity less dreadful. 
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Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are molded out of a composite resin compound that fills and closes off a cavity after the compromised area has been removed. Now your filling will perfectly match your teeth giving them a natural appearance. It’s always best to treat a cavity with a filling to prevent further damage in the future. Delaying a filling can lead to more difficult procedures including root canals, so it’s important to get fillings taken care of right away. 


The cost of your tooth-colored filling depends on a few factors. The diameter of the cavity comes into play and also a need for sedation. Fillings are noninvasive procedures that usually only require local anesthesia. It’s not an uncommon feeling to have certain fears or anxiety when it comes to dental appointments. If you fit into this category nitrous oxide or oral oral-conscious medication may be a better option for you. Dr. Skopp accepts multiple insurance plans to give you peace of mind. 


It’s important to practice proper dental hygiene to prevent cavities and further damage. Always remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day or after each meal. Flossing daily is also key in keeping your mouth healthy. Dental sealants and professional fluoride treatments are also beneficial options for both young and adult patients. Professional treatments will strengthen your tooth enamel and help prevent cavities.

Schedule Appointments

Keeping up with your dental appointments will help keep your smile in the best condition possible. It’s important to schedule at least two professional cleanings a year. This will help remove accumulated plaque and tartar beneath the gum line that’s difficult to reach by just brushing and flossing at home. 

If you’re dealing with uncomfortable cavities, take the modern approach and schedule a tooth-colored filling with Dr. Marshall Skopp. You can find our office located at 2040 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10303. Contact our expert team today to request an appointment! 718-982-5230

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